Research partnerships
Sis.Ter® Ltd. is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2017, ISO 27017:2015 and ISO 27018:2019 certified with the following purpose: Design, implementation and delivery of multichannel web-oriented tools and solutions for information processing and distribution, geomatics, big data analysis, knowledge management solutions, innovative solutions for smart cities and related customer support and training 27001 27017-27018 SaaS (Software as a Service) delivery of application solutions for asset management in civil and territorial areas.
Sis.Ter® srl is a founding member of four Emilia-Romagna Clust-ERs:
- BUILD Building and Construction,
- AGRIFOOD Agribusiness,
- INNOVATE Innovation in Services,
- URBAN Economics.
Clust-ERs are financed by the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – POR FESR 2014-2020. The project was approved under the European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region – Por Fesr 2014-2020 and subsequently financed with resources from the Fund for Development and Cohesion FSC 2014-2020.
Agribusiness is a pivotal sector of the country’s economy, and of Emilia-Romagna in particular, due to its high degree of specialization, the presence of numerous PDO and PGI products and a leading level of exports. The sector covers the entire supply chain “from farm to fork” in the broadest sense of the term: from raw material to the consumer’s table, including information systems, food processing and packaging machinery and equipment, transportation logistics, and by-product and waste valorization.
The Agribusiness Clust-ER is a private association of public and private entities: research centers, companies, and training institutions that share expertise, ideas, tools and resources to support the competitiveness of the sector.
The construction sector is characterized, to a greater extent than other sectors, by contracting demand and shrinking margins for economic sustainability of processes.
The building product chain is complex, whether it involves new construction or processes of regeneration and rehabilitation of the existing built environment, and involves a growing number of actors who often operate at the local level and constitute a fabric of micro and small enterprises; thus economic operators often having different economic objectives as well.
The Emilia-Romagna system is strongly focused on the production dimension and is extremely dynamic from the point of view of finding innovative and competitive solutions; in contrast, it is weaker in those services that are fundamental to generating added value, profitability and loyalty based on competitiveness and innovative capacity, information technologies, logistics, and other knowledge-intensive and professionalized services.
Urban economics is the discipline that analyzes the relationships between economic activities (business and social) and territory by studying the ways in which interactions between people, things and information in space make it possible to organize the demand and supply of services in the territory to meet the needs of communities. Thus, talking about urban economy means identifying the drivers for the growth of attractiveness and livability of the area
Who we collaborate with
Research with Italian and international universities
Sis.Ter® srl periodically hosts undergraduates and researchers from Italian and international universities, activating educational and research paths.
Sis.Ter® Ltd. also collaborates in research and technology transfer with several university laboratories